Elif Gülbay

Fostering learning and innovation skills in Initial Teacher Education

Collana: Professionalità docente. Percorsi e strumenti
Anno: 2018
Pagine: 192
Formato: 14x21cm
ISBN: 9788867605743

€ 16,00
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Vincitore premio Siped 2019 The most important action to take for much better student outcomes is to improve the quality of teaching and learning in classroom. Teachers play such a significant role in building the future generation that with no doubt they are at the core of workplace reform. An effective teacher training can help prepare future teachers for the challenge. Even though teacher training may not completely prepare new teachers for every issue they will face, it can still assist them in feeling more confident about many common problems that arise for teachers in their everyday teaching. The primary purpose of this book is to analyse various studies on initial teacher education and to present findings in the form of an annotated bibliography and a literature review of the methods and models to apply for a more efficient teacher training. It aims to provide future teachers and teacher educators with innovative learning and teaching methods, strategies, digital competences and ideas for a better reflective practice, which can lead them to a well-designed initial training and to combine harmoniously theory and practice in their teaching.

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Elif Gülbay
Elif Gülbay, dottore di ricerca in Formazione Pedagogico-Didattica degli Insegnanti presso l’Università di Studi di Palermo. Docente a contratto, Università degli Studi di Palermo e Università LUMSA. Ha pubblicato per i nostri tipi: Strategie innovative per la formazione dei futuri docenti (2018); Educazione del carattere, letteratura per l’infanzia e stile di vita digitale. Un percorso di formazione iniziale degli insegnanti (2017); Web tools per promuovere l’apprendimento collaborativo nella formazione iniziale dei futuri insegnanti (2017).

  Elif Gülbay, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Theory and Practice of Education for Teacher Trainers at Palermo University and lecturer in Educational Technology. Principal research fields: Impact of innovative classroom models on students’ learning with particular focus on teachers’ reflection on their own learning process; the role of ICT and technology integration models and frameworks in initial teacher education; on-line collaborative learning environments; reflective practices, soft skills and digital skills of future teachers. Latest publications: eTwinning Collaborative Learning Environment in Initial Teacher Education (2018); Learning strategies, decision-making styles and conscious use of technologies in initial teacher education (2018); Web tools per promuovere l’apprendimento collaborativo nella formazione iniziale dei futuri insegnanti (2017); The Flipped Classroom: A model experimented with undergraduate students at Palermo University (2016);  Developing critical thinking and creativity skills through Children’s Literature (2016).